Episode Guide
Series Eleven (1998-99)
11.01 / 11.02 /
11.03 / 11.04 /
11.05 / 11.06 /
11.07 / 11.08 /
11.09 / 11.10
11.11 / 11.12 /
11.13 / 11.14 /
11.15 / 11.16 /
11.17 / 11.18 /
11.19 / 11.20
The 'missing' episode numbered 112 has never been aired, but is believed to correspond to an
unaired taping involving Brad Sherwood,
Patrick Bristow, Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles.
11.01 ("103")
First Broadcast: August 5, 1998 - Intro
Greg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Greg questions. Wayne - old blues player, Colin - excitable dog, Ryan - auctioneer.
- Sound Effects: An ambulance driver on his first ever emergency call. Colin acts, Ryan SFX.
- Hats: World's Worst Dating Agency Video.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of Accounting - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
- Party Quirks: Greg hosts. Wayne - in a slow-motion fight scene, Colin - accident-prone circus performer, Ryan - foal being born.
Winner: Wayne Brady.
Game: Foreign Film Dub: "Banished on the Breezes" in Farsi. Wayne & Drew act, Ryan & Greg translate, Colin hosts.
11.02 ("104")
First Broadcast: August 12, 1998 - Intro
Brad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Brad questions. Wayne - charismatic politician running for governor, Colin - thinks Brad is absolutely repulsive, Ryan - astronaut with an alien inside him.
- Film, Theater & TV Styles: Colin suspects his rival, Ryan of cheating in a fly-fishing competition. Western Movie, Disaster, Porno.
- Duet: Alicia the student of music. Brad & Wayne (Swing, Dean Martin/Sammy Davis Jr.).
- Weird Newscasters: Brad - anchor "Chuck Surloin". Colin (co-anchor) - kid showing off in class, Wayne (sports presenter "Frank Clamchowder) - teenager who can't believe he's being dumped, Ryan (weatherman "Al Nino") - getting younger and younger.
- Moving People: Colin an outlaw robbing Ryan's stagecoach.
- Scene to Rap: Summer Camp.
Winner: Ryan Stiles.
Game: 90 Second Alphabet: Drew in a restaurant, complaining to a temperamental waiter (Ryan), starting with 'G'. Brad hosts.
11.03 ("106")
First Broadcast: August 19, 1998 - Intro
Greg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Greg questions. Wayne - the greatest lover in France, Colin - going through all the stages of getting drunk, Ryan - pig farmer from Arkansas.
- Scene to Rap: Hospital.
- Hats: World's Worst Dating Agency Video.
- Weird Newscasters: Greg - anchor. Colin (co-anchor) - can no longer hide his love for the anchorman, Wayne (sports presenter) - James Brown, Ryan (weatherman) - the anchor's angry neighbour.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of Bus Drivers - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
Winners: Ryan Stiles & Greg Proops.
Game: Newscasters: King Kong. Ryan & Greg anchor, Drew reports. Colin hosts?
11.04 ("101")
First Broadcast: August 26, 1998 - Intro
Brad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Brad - anchor. Colin (co-anchor) - a bad stand-up comic, Wayne (sports presenter) - talking through a stadium PA system, Ryan (weatherman) - stockbroker watching all his life savings disappear.
- Duet: Peyton the actress. Brad & Wayne (Doo-wop).
- Animals: Ryan having an affair with his secretary, Colin, and is surprised by his wife, Brad. All chimpanzees.
- Props: Ryan & Brad - black styrofoam shark fins, Colin & Wayne - red squid-like item.
- Moving People: Ryan Dracula, Colin come to kill him.
- Party Quirks: Brad hosts. Wayne - entire history of 20th century dance in 30 seconds, Colin - skiier who keeps skiing into things, Ryan - deer on the first day of hunting season.
- Scene to Rap: Park.
Winner: Colin Mochrie
Game: Foreign Film Dub: "Gesundheit" in Chinese. Colin & Drew act, Brad & Ryan translate, Wayne hosts.
11.05 ("105")
First Broadcast: September 2, 1998 - Intro
Brad Sherwood, Karen Maruyama, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Karen questions. Brad - an Amish guy, Colin - someone in a dentist's chair, Ryan - gradually turning into a parrot.
- Song Styles: Niroshi the political science & economics student. Brad (rock love ballad).
- Daytime Talk Show: Alice in Wonderland on "Alice Doesn't Live Here Any More". Brad - host, Ryan - Lyle Moon (of Lyle's Glassware, sold Alice the mirror), Karen - Lilly Hai (owner of Alice's building), Colin - audience member an effeminate man (angry about them ruining Alice's life).
- Props: Colin & Ryan - wavy furry brown mats, Brad & Karen - circles on poles (lollipops).
- Film Dub: "One day in the West" - Ryan, Karen & Colin.
- Sportscasters: rival waiters. Brad & Karen commentate, Ryan & Colin act.
- Hoedown: Tourists & Kids At A Movie Theater.
Winners: Colin Mochrie & Ryan Stiles.
Game: Stand, Sit, Bend: Colin, Ryan & Drew at a showdown in a Wild West saloon. Brad hosts.
11.06 ("102")
First Broadcast: September 9, 1998 - Intro
Brad Sherwood, Kathy Kinney, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Kathy questions. Brad - stressed-out hairdresser, Colin - giving birth, Ryan - loudmouthed sports fan in the bleachers.
- Sound Effects: The Lone Ranger finds out that outlaws have hijacked a speeding train. Colin acts, Ryan SFX.
- Daytime Talk Show: The Three Little Pigs on "Swine Talk". Brad - host "Carl Trichinosis", Ryan - Thomas Guide (runs neighbourhood watch in the area), Kathy - Prudence Pig (mother of 2 children lost when the houses fell down), Colin - audience member the Medium Slightly Ticked Off Wolf (Big Bad Wolf's brother).
- Props: Ryan & Kathy - T-shaped nerf tube, Colin & Brad - pink fabric-covered hoops.
- Helping Hands: Ryan (Colin's hands) a lovesick Italian pizza maker, with Brad.
- Hoedown: Getting your pizza late.
Winner: Ryan Stiles
Game: 90 Second Alphabet: Ryan Zorro, who finally catches up with the villain (Drew), starting with 'Q'. Brad hosts.
11.07 ("107")
First Broadcast: September 23, 1998 - Intro
Greg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Daytime Talk Show: Hansel and Gretel. Greg - host "Proop Doggy Dogg", Ryan - Jimmy Buffalo (of Jimmy Buffalo's Chocolate Factory, unpaid for working on the house), Colin - the witch, Wayne - audience members a guy hyper on sugar from the house, and a representative from the child welfare board.
- Song Styles: Mae the Baker. Wayne (love song from a movie soundtrack).
- Moving People: Colin a motorcycle cop stopping Ryan, a suspicious looking biker.
- Props: Colin & Greg - yellow foam double-scythes, Wayne & Ryan - grey stacked rings.
- Party Quirks: Greg hosts. Wayne - cartoon character in love, Colin - "Gone With The Wind" in 30 seconds, Ryan - salesman desperate to hide the fact he's a chimp.
- Hoedown: Commercials.
Winner: Wayne Brady
Game: Foreign Film Dub: "The Amazing Tricycle Adventure" in Ancient Egyptian. Drew & Wayne act, Ryan & Greg translate. Colin hosts.
11.08 ("111")
First Broadcast: October 17, 1998 - Intro
Wayne Brady, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Denny questions. Wayne - amorous Italian opera singer, Colin - gradually turning into a pig, Ryan - gets an electric shock every time he has an impure thought.
- Song Styles: Tricia the swimming lesson teacher. Wayne (Louis Armstrong).
- Props: Ryan & Denny - base with grey tubes sticking out, Wayne & Colin - red foam disks with spikes on one side.
- Party Quirks: Denny hosts. Wayne - pinball in a machine, Colin - chicken with its head cut off, Ryan - the films of Alfred Hitchcock.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Butcher - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
Winners: Ryan Stiles & Colin Mochrie
Game: Helping Hands: Ryan (Colin's hands), who is aiming for a promotion, has invited his boss, Drew, over to impress him with his barbecue. Wayne hosts.
11.09 ("108")
First Broadcast: December 16, 1998 - Intro
Greg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Superheroes: Frizzy hair. Greg - Fruit and Vegetable Man, Ryan - Ice Hockey Kid, Colin - Irate Film Director Boy, Wayne - Playful Licking Puppy Boy.
- Song Styles: Jennifer the English Literature student. Wayne (Luther Vandross).
- Weird Newscasters: Colin - anchor "Wolverine Saint Jack John". Greg (co-anchor "Twice Nightly") - a gremlin, Wayne (sportscaster) - an overly emotional preacher at a funeral, Ryan (weatherman "Jakes Mackenzie") - being attacked by increasingly ferocious animals.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Lifeguard - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
- Party Quirks: Greg hosts. Wayne - aging rapidly, Colin - the many roles of Charlton Heston, Ryan - eagle struggling to pick up heavy things.
Winner: Greg Proops
Game: Questions Only: A tourist hotel is about to turn into the towering inferno - Drew, Wayne, Colin & Ryan. Greg hosts.
11.10 ("117")
First Broadcast: January 6, 1999 - Intro
Wayne Brady, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Questions Only: In a daytime soap opera.
- Song Styles: Sheila the I.N.S. Attorney. Wayne (Gospel).
- Newsflash: teen beach party. Ryan & Denny anchor, Colin reports.
- Sound Effects: An eastern European Olympic gymnast who neesd a perfect 10 on all his routines. Colin acts, Ryan SFX.
- Weird Newscasters: Denny - anchor "Fifi Leadbottom". Colin (co-anchor "Ripley Back") - Denny has been spreading rumours about a disastrous date with him, Wayne (sportscaster "Ripley Arm") - caught in the middle of a busy freeway, Ryan (weatherman "Just Ripley") - Frankenstein's monster looking for a mate.
- Scene to Rap: Earthquake.
Winner: Denny Siegel
Game: Hoedown: Blind Dates - Wayne, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Denny hosts.
11.11 ("113")
First Broadcast: January 13, 1999 - Intro
Greg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Wayne questions. Greg - President Clinton, Colin - Gradually being eaten by soldier ants, Ryan - a masochist.
- Film, Theater & TV Styles: Greg a farmer who comes to complain to Ryan, a neighbouring farmer, about some giant killer bees coming from his barn.
- Dating Service Video: Ryan & Colin, Greg & Wayne.
- Weird Newscasters: Colin - anchor "Burn Nightly". Greg (co-anchor) - Captain Kirk, Wayne (sportscaster) - on a videotape that's speeding up and slowing down, Ryan (weatherman "Skippy Bartholomew") - an excited rock star in front of a big crowd.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Postal Worker - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
Winners: Ryan Stiles & Colin Mochrie
Game: Helping Hands: Ryan (Colin's hands) is a pet care guru teaching Drew to look after his dog. Greg hosts.
11.12 ("119")
First Broadcast: January 20, 1999 - Intro
Brad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Wayne questions. Brad - game show prize announcer, Colin - the world's biggest glutton, Ryan - talking chicken having trouble laying an egg.
- Duet: Dana the dental hygienist. Brad & Wayne (60s R&B).
- Newsflash: Japanese Macaques playing in the snow. Ryan & Brad anchor, Colin reports.
- Film, Theater & TV Styles: Wayne the birdman of Alcatraz, Ryan the prison warden who's come to his cell to tell him to get rid of his many birds. Western, Shakespeare, Sumo Wrestling.
- Telethon: NBA Players - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne & Brad sing.
Winner: Wayne Brady
Game: Hoedown: Going Bald - Brad, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Wayne hosts.
11.13 ("120")
First Broadcast: January 27, 1999 - Intro
Wayne Brady, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Questions Only: Trouble breaks out in a Wild West saloon.
- Song Styles: Marie the Step-aerobicizer. Wayne (Prince).
- Dead Bodies: A deleted scene from The Graduate, Mrs. Robinson (audience member Mary) is seducing Benjamin (Ryan) when her daughter (Denny - enters and dies) comes in. Colin moves.
- Sound Effects: A hairdresser on a busy day and all his colleagues have phoned in sick. Colin acts, Ryan SFX.
- Weird Newscasters: Denny - anchor "Ling Ling". Colin (co-anchor "Rusty Nail") - acting out scenes from a soap opera, Wayne (sportscaster "Rusty Bumper") - a middle aged woman who's proud of her body, Ryan (weatherman "Rusty Can") - Tarzan sensing that his woman is in danger.
- Hoedown: Birth.
Winners: Ryan Stiles & Colin Mochrie
Game: Stand, Sit, Bend: Two Cleveland Indians fans (Drew & Ryan) have turned up at the big game to find that Colin, a rival fan, is sitting in Ryan's seat. Wayne hosts.
11.14 ("114")
First Broadcast: February 3, 1999 - Intro
Brad Sherwood, Ian Gomez, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Ian questions. Brad - Latin American soccer announcer, Colin - turning into the Incredible Hulk, Ryan - Ian's teenage daughter having a tantrum.
- Moving People: A honeymoon wedding night starts off great but then goes horribly wrong when an earthquake hits - Ryan & Colin.
- Weird Newscasters: Brad - anchor "Chester Flatbottom". Colin (co-anchor "Lazlo Turkeybaster") - only has a 5-second memory, Ian (sportscaster "Damian Hardpank") - Ricky Ricardo at his wits' end, Ryan (weatherman "Chlorophyll Lettucecrisper") - the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Ant Farmer - Ryan & Colin introduce, Brad sings.
- Party Quirks: Brad hosts. Ian - gangster being riddled with bullets, Colin - bad-tempered sperm trying to find its egg, Ryan - bloodhound trained to sniff out complete idiots.
Winners: Ryan Stiles & Colin Mochrie
Game: Helping Hands: Ryan (Colin's hands) is a flamboyant cocktail waiter showing off his skills to a female customer (Drew). Brad hosts.
11.15 ("118")
First Broadcast: February 10, 1999 - Intro
Greg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Colin - anchor. Greg (co-anchor) - a James Bond villain, Wayne (sportscaster) - spots his girlfriend with another man in the audience, Ryan (weatherman) - a psycho with a chainsaw.
- Song Styles: Carlyle the Fashion Designer. Wayne (Cab Calloway).
- Dating Service: World's Worst Dating Agency Video.
- Sportscasters: plumbers. Greg & Wayne commentate, Ryan & Colin act.
- Film Dub: Two suitors asking the father for his daughter's hand in marriage - Ryan, Greg & Colin.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Mechanic - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
Winner: Wayne Brady
Game: Hoedown: Surgery - Greg, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Wayne hosts.
11.16 ("121")
First Broadcast: February 17, 1999 - Intro
Brad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Superheroes: Bad wallpaper. Brad - Body and Paint Man, Ryan - Just Back From The Dentist After Invasive Root Canal Surgery Man, Colin - The Exhibitionist Kid, Wayne - Captain Breakdance.
- Weird Newscasters: Brad - anchor "Harry Hindquarters". Colin (co-anchor "Chester Buttocks") - in a confessional, Wayne (sportscaster "David Derriere") - underwater, Ryan (weatherman "Garrison Tush") - a lost toddler looking for his mommy.
- Scenes From a Hat: playing too hard with the puppy, if Carol Channing were president, German pick-up lines, least likely person to appear on a stamp, famous last words, if dogs could talk, least popular college courses, unlikely Olympic events, people who shouldn't rap.
- Props: Colin & Ryan - (?), Brad & Wayne - (?).
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Exterminator - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne & Brad sing.
Winners: Colin Mochrie & Ryan Stiles
Game: Helping Hands: Ryan (Colin's hands) is a clown trying to entertain birthday boy Drew. Brad(?) hosts.
11.17 ("116")
First Broadcast: February 24, 1999 - Intro
Wayne Brady, Stephen Colbert, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Stephen - anchor "Louis Dangle". Colin (co-anchor "Bill Rudford") - a mother doing baby talk to Stephen, Wayne (sportscaster "Skip Tothelou") - Bill Cosby, Ryan (weatherman "Storm Search") - in love with the camera.
- Scene to Rap: Avalanche.
- Moving People: Two Navy Seals at the beach, about to embark on a mission to blow up an enemy boat - Ryan & Colin.
- Props: Ryan & Stephen - grey circle with 'handle', Colin & Wayne - poles with shiny strips.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Pro Bowler - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
- Party Quirks: Stephen hosts. Wayne - world's longest touchdown celebration, Colin - lobster trying to talk his way out of being cooked, Ryan - footage of crash-test dummies.
Winner: Stephen Colbert
Game: Hoedown: Television - Wayne, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Stephen hosts.
11.18 ("115")
First Broadcast: March 10, 1999 - Intro
Wayne Brady, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Questions Only: At a singles' bar, right before closing.
- Song Styles: Dennis the Engineer. Wayne (60s girl group).
- Newsflash: People dressed as Santa playing around. Ryan & Denny anchor, Colin reports.
- Hey You Down There: Camping in the Wild. Denny narrates, Colin & Ryan act.
- Party Quirks: Denny hosts. Wayne - succession of teenage girls at a slumber party, Colin - the Summer Olympics in 30 seconds, Ryan - running giraffe that gets shot with a tranquilizer dart.
- Scene to Rap: Tsunami.
Winners: Colin Mochrie & Ryan Stiles
Game: Helping Hands: Ryan (Colin's hands) is a temperamental pastry chef who is trying to create a masterpiece for the demanding owner of his restaurant (Drew). Wayne hosts.
11.19 ("110")
First Broadcast: March 17, 1999 - Intro
Brad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Brad - anchor "Chester(field) SnapdragonMcFisticuff". Colin (co-anchor "Blanched") - too emotionally attached to the stories, Wayne (sportscaster "Sparky") - Don King, Ryan (weatherman "Jiff Jiffyson") - an astronaut walking in space when things start going wrong.
- Duet: Sara the IT consultant. Brad & Wayne (disco ballad).
- Sound Effects: Colin's wedding night, on the Titanic. Ryan SFX.
- Props: Brad & Ryan - black juggling-club shapes, Colin & Wayne - grey foam D on a brown pole.
- Narrate: In a pizza place - Ryan & Colin.
- Telethon: Thumbsuckers - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne & Brad sing.
Winners: Colin Mochrie & Ryan Stiles
Game: Stand, Sit, Bend: Drew and his wife Colin are farmers who have called around a vet, Ryan, because they are worried about their prize cow. Wayne hosts.
11.20 ("109")
First Broadcast: March 24, 1999 - Intro
Greg Proops, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Greg - anchor "Shallow Butauthoritative". Colin (co-anchor) - auditioning for roles in a horror movie, Denny (sportscaster) - catskills comedian, Ryan (weatherman) - keeps carelessly throwing away lit cigarettes.
- Multiple Personalities: Having a problem while out hunting - Greg, Colin & Ryan. Flashlight - Liberace, Axe - Jimmy Stewart, Rifle - Scooby Doo.
- Fashion Models: wrestler models. Greg & Denny commentate, Ryan & Colin act.
- World's Worst: person to be President of the US.
- Props: Ryan & Denny - large round sack, Greg & Colin - inflatable flower.
- Party Quirks: Greg hosts. Denny - Greg's Jewish mother laying on the guilt, Colin - likes putting his hands into other people's pockets, Ryan - sea life being sucked into a propeller.
- Hoedown: The IRS.
Winner: Greg Proops & Ryan Stiles
Game: 90 Second Alphabet: Ryan has annoyed roommates Greg & Drew so much that they want to throw him out. Colin hosts.